
From time to time, people ask me to write for them. I've been lucky enough to publish academic writing, in the press and the occasional review as well.

If you'd like me to write for you or review a book you've written, drop me a line.

Selected Reviews

Siding With The Machines

Review of Robin Mackay & Armen Avanessian (eds.), #Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader - review 31 (2014)

Academic Writing

Perspectives on the Global Financial Crisis

Review of The Spectre at The Feast: Capitalist Crisis and the Politics of Recession by Andrew Gamble, The Great Credit Crash by Martijn Konings (ed.) and Crisis in the Global Economy: Financial Markets, Social Struggles, and New Political Scenarios by Andrea Fumagalli and Sandro Mezzadra (eds.)” Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies 5 (2012): 167-171. (download)

Sovereign Autoimmunity: Hägglund, Bataille and the Secular

Comparison of Martin Hägglund and Georges Bataille on the question of the secular and a suggestion of a new form of post-secular secularity based on Derrida's concept of auto-immunity.

In After the Postsecular and the Postmodern: New Essays in Continental Philosophy of Religion edited by Anthony Paul Smith and Daniel Whistler, 2010.

A Roundtable Discussion on Charles Taylor's Book A Secular Age

With Floyd Dunphy and Sarah Azaransky, with response from Charles Taylor. Political Theology 11(2) (2010): 299–300.

Selected Journalism


The secret behind the Sanders campaign: people before tech | Common Knowledge
In a break from Obama’s big-tech data-gathering era, Bernie Sanders’ team prizes trust and empowerment, says Common Knowledge, a workers cooperative based in London

With Common Knowledge.


So goes California, so goes the nation?
The city of Oakland in California has become the militant heart of the occupations movement in the US following a brutal police crackdown. Alex Andrews for openDemocracy talks to Brad Johnson, an activist who lives and works in Oakland, about the events there, the general strike called by t…


Praying for a revolution in economics | Alex Andrews
Alex Andrews: Greenspan’s crisis of faith exposes the scientific veneer of economics for what it is, revealing what amounts to a religion


‘Big society’ can give power back to communities | Alex Andrews
Alex Andrews: Networks of solidarity will allow people to survive austerity, while directing their anger against the forces that created the situation